Last Monday, OTRA Gardeners and a member of the Prospect Place Conservation Area met up to tidy up the Fishing for the Moon Garden in Swindon Road. You may remember that this garden was renovated by South Swindon Parish Council two years ago and officially opened on 2 July 2021, with the intention that it would be maintained by local volunteers
It is a low maintenance garden, so we don't need to visit it very often, but last summer's drought did affect some of the plants adversely, as have some of the very low temperatures experienced this winter. We went along last Monday to weed, sweep up catkins from the tree and fill in gaps with new plants.
Above heads down at the various jobsAnd my favourite pose, bottoms up to planting the newly created bed at the top right of the garden where a tree fell down; this was cleared by the wonderful parish grounds staff, Hazel and Kevin.
Things are looking a bit dull on this side because it's in shade a lot of the time, but will hopefully look better soon.
Another photo of people working
Above the lamb's ear recovering after the winter; the dark areas of soil are patches where compost donated by Jeremy has been added
We planted these violas a couple of months ago, don't they look good?I've added the one above because you can see lots of fresh leaves of Alliums which will look like wonderful purple pom poms soonAlthough the bed above doesn't look like much, it's the newly planted bed, top right as you look up the garden, it will look wonderful soon
And this is a parting photo of the garden looking really lovely, if you haven't been to the garden recently, please go and have a look.
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