Cerney House Gardens

 The fifth garden we visited on the Snowdrop Garden Tour was Cerney House Gardens, it's a smallish large garden but really worth visiting. It's not far from Cirencester, and so was ideally situated to visit on the way home from the Herefordshire gardens. I took a few photos and bought a houseplant. There are card readers situated where there are things to buy and it seems to work really well. The snowdrops are almost over now, according to their website, but the hellebores are magnificent.

Here are a few photos:

I took a photo of G.Falkland House because it's one I bought from Ivy Croft. I hope I can get it to bulk up like this.
I love this sculpture of a cockerel on the front lawn.
Some of the clumps of Hellebores. I wonder how one can achieve such clumping up?
Maybe adding lots of compost? Plants look so much better en masse.
And finally a photo of snowdrops growing in profusion under a tree.
If you haven't visited Cerney House Gardens, it's well worth doing so at any time of year.
