The Weir Garden and Dormington Snowdrop Day

 The Weir Garden is a spectacular hillside garden beside the River Wye which when we visited was very dramatic as can be seen below. So much rain has fallen over the last few months that the river was very wide and swirling and quite mesmerising to watch.

Some of the paths beside the river were closed for safety reasons, but there were plenty of snowdrops to enjoy on the banks ascending from the river into the woods with wonderful views from high vantage points.
The sign above says: 'This structure above is believed to be a Nymphaeum; a Roman sanctuary consecrated to water nymphs. Naiads are nymphs of flowing water, and nymphs were believed to be personifications of the forces of nature and associated with fertile growing things.'
Apart from the beautiful riverside walks, there's also a walled garden with a heated greenhouse in there. We found this lovely Datura with fantastic orange flowers in the greenhouse. The Weir Garden is quite an unexpected gem, a small garden compared to some National Trust properties but it has a really good feel about it.
Our fourth snowdrop garden visit was to Dormington Snowdrop Day where the garden next door to the church, Dormington House was open, and teas and the most wonderful selection of cakes was on sale, This is what a local website says:
'Dormington Snowdrop Day is a must for keen gardeners, come and see the lovely drifts of snowdrops in the churchyard at St Peter’s Church and in the gardens of Dormington House.

Then head into the garden room at Dormington House for teas and homemake cakes (chargeable) and browse the lovely varieties of snowdrops to purchase, some of them rare, to take home and plant in your own gardens.

Funds for St Peter’s Community Association Trust, supporting the church and local
community Charity no. 1071341'
Above some of the masses of snowdrops, and below you can see some of the flowers have green tips on their petals and indeed we saw a great range of varieties of snowdrops in the wooded area.
I bought a pot with 3 snowdrop plants in, two the nivalis sort and one with green tips on the leaves as above. They were a snip at £2.50.
