Marriott Beds Tidy Up

 Last Monday Old Town Community Gardeners braved the sub zero temperatures and cut back dead vegetation at the three Marriott beds and brought some decomposed bark from the tree lined walkway to place on the beds to act as a mulch to help reduce evaporation from the soil surface next summer. There's quite a bit more decomposed bark to move.

You will also see some undecomposed bark for the path between the trees up the embankment. The Royal Wootton Bassett School Duke of Edinburgh award students will lay that in a few week's time as part of their volunteering in the community programme.

Meanwhile here are a few photos of the beds:

Above the bed under the road sign
The Euphorbia, Geums and Scabious looking very healthy indicating a good choice of plants in the memorial bed which was only planted last year with a kind donation.
Two of our intrepid gardeners
And above the large bed after being cut back. There are too many Evening primroses, but their yellow flowers do look good and they are so well suited to the growing conditions there. All the trimmings went onto the two compost heaps we have on site, built by a kind resident.
