Old Court Nurseries

 Old Court Nursery just outside Malvern holds the Plant Heritage Collection of over 430 Michaelmas daisies which can be seen in the Picton Garden which adjoins the nursery. This is the last post about the July garden tour of Herefordshire so the photos are not of asters, but of the amazing collection of succulents and plants in pots.

You can see that the Aeoniums are looking really good in the arrangements of pots. They apparently mainly grow in spring and autumn.
I was very impressed with this bed below containing masses of Aeoniums; they will be brought inside in the winter, presumably
another view of the bed to give an idea of how large it is
This is splendid Paulownia is the only photo I took in the garden. Curious about how to grow plants like this with fresh monster like leaves, I searched for more information and came across the Laidback Gardener's Blog which is very interesting. 
That's the last piece about the wonderful Herefordshire Garden Tour 2023. We visited Hoo House Nursery, Stockton Bury Garden, Berrington Court, Hampton Court Castle, Ivy Croft, Moors Meadow and Wildegoose Nursery as well as Old Court Nurseries. Where to go next year?
