Last Sunday, TWIGS opened for the National Garden Scheme and had lots of visitors looking round the gardens, buying refreshments and plants. It's highly prestigious opening for the NGS, and TWIGS is only one of two gardens opening in or near Swindon for them, the other place which opens is Salthrop House, opening on 9 and 10 June. TWIGS are next open for the NGS on 16 July, but have lots of events over the summer, and are open each week on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, 10am-3.30pm.

Last Sunday, the sun shone and lots of people came to look round. I had a look at the gardens before they opened and took a few photos before spending the day on the plant stalls encouraging people to buy 5 plants for £10, although of course single purchases could be made!!

This is my favourite photo, of a small seaside themed place to sit and contemplate the gardens
It was lovely to see the newly erected roundhouse with a living roof has been completed. I was able to buy some of the sedums left over from the roof which I'm looking forward to planting.
This is the entrance to the Iron Age round house which is always popular with people as an intimate place to sit
The 7 individual gardens are beautifully laid out and were brimming with plants enthusiastically showing their best side. Above is the Physic garden with lots of herbs.
Alliums abound at this time of year, and were very popular, but not for sale in the plant sales area.
Another lovely garden
Iris sibirica flowering beautifully, they are the brightest blue and are available to buy in the plant sales area
Above is the well being garden with shredded tyres making a beautiful pathway through the garden.
There's always something to see at TWIGS, so if you missed this open day, there are plenty of opportunities to visit and support this very worthwhile place. 
I'm holding a plant sale on 24 June and Old Town Open Gardens will take place on 9 July, both raising funds for TWIGS.
