National Gardening Week is great to raise the profile of gardening at a time of year when everything is growing so fast in the garden. This year it coincides with local elections, I spent the day encouraging people to use their vote positively and now feel like relaxing in a chair and reading my book club book which has to be read by Monday evening. I did say I would publish a post every day during National Gardening Week.
Tonight's theme is wonder veg. What would you grow if you were stuck on a desert island and could only take one sort of seeds? I would choose Swiss chard because generally once it has germinated in late May, you can then eat it every day of the year until it flowers in late May the following year, and even then you can pick off flower heads and keep it producing leaves. Mine did look a bit battered in the winter after many days of frost, but now looks fantastic and has lots of delicious new growth. To cook it, I chop it and stir fry it, or boil in a little water. Here's what one of my plants looks like just now:
Taken from above. The other reason to grow it is because there are not many places in this country that you can buy it.
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