It's Camassia time again

The election, subsequent celebrations and the weekend Coronation street parties eclipsed the attempts to write a post a day to celebrate National Gardening Week. This was one of the posts I intended to write during the week. Camassias are flowering just now, I view them as champion plants, with such massive flower spikes. Mine are a bright blue with the clump getting larger each year, here they are:

I also took a photo as they were emerging:
There are quite a few different coloured Camassias, last year the Co-op in Newport Street had white ones which they donated to OTRA Gardeners. They are now emerging and about to make a splash at the Marriott bed. They can also be seen along the old canal path which goes from by the Magic Roundabout to Greenbridge. 
I'm also raising a cheer for the frothy Forget-me-Nots dotted between plants in the garden, they look spectacular for a couple of weeks each year:
The Euphorbias are flowering now and looking magnificent, this one is Fireglow:
And for the first time in 20 years, the election result was fantastically good for the town
