Planting the Memorial Bed

 Back in November, OTRA gardeners were given a cash donation to plant a Memorial Bed somewhere in Old Town. We looked at various sites, and opted for a spot near the exiting bed by the former Marriott Hotel. We asked South Swindon Parish Council if they would check the area for utility cables, documented here. We dug the bed as soon as we got the all clear, ordered plants, waited for the ground to thaw, and planted it up last Monday at our weekly OTRA gardening session. 

I took a few photos of us placing the pots, planting the plants, and an afterwards shot. The plants are all dormant, so don't look very exciting, although the Euphorbia will soon flower. I've started with a photo of the gardeners:

then laying out the pots, some of which looked devoid of anything!
another one of the gardeners
and here's the finished bed, it will be a couple of months before it looks like a flower bed.
This was the planting plan:
We haven't had any rain for weeks, so hope they survive while we wait for rain.
