As ever, working in the garden has taken precedence over updating the blog, but I thought I'd finish off the Isle of Wight posts with this one, and move on! I love this view of Tennyson Down and cliffs taken from Compton Down:
This is a photo of Tennyson's monument which stands above Tennyson Down, it's a great spot to sit and enjoy the view having climbed up the hill.and if you carry on walking, you reach the Needles
While we were there, there was a plant sale in St.Lawrence where as the sign says, there were all sorts of plants at very reasonable prices.
This photo showing large bales on the horizon struck me as really good
Below a beach seen from the coastal path heading towards St.Lawrence
And a rare photo of Tim and I taken on our walk to Tennyson Down, above Compton Bay where there's a sort of bower.Great holiday, fabulous walking on the Isle of Wight.
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