Evolution of the Post Solstice Sunrise

 This morning, the 22 December was the first day after the winter solstice which was yesterday at 3.59pm apparently, the weather was frosty and the sunrise tremendous and the sky went on looking good for a while. At about 7.43am, I had to take a photo, the colours were so good:

I set off for the Great Western Hospital for an appointment at 9.30am, and this is what the sunrise looked like at 8.23am along Marlborough Road
This is a slightly different view a little further down the road at 8.25am
By 8.48am, I had walked past Richard Jefferies Museum and the Ridgeway come into view.
And by 10.24am, I was on my way home, about to walk into Coate Water Park, looking back towards the hedgehogs on the Ridgeway, the sun by now behind clouds and still very low, someone walking thought i had spotted an unusual bird, I said 'No, just photographing the view'.
There's something to be said for these short days, you have to make the most of the small amounts of daylight.
