Last week I was all for thinking the garden was having its last fling, this week, despite a misty morning here, and wonderful spider's webs everywhere, there's lots of exuberance in the garden. Having said this, I have noticed the massive six stemmed Cardoon may have died however, there are no new shoots sprouting from the base, and its leaves are very brown. I will miss the huge presence of the Cardoon in the garden, and hope some of the seedlings will grow on and take its place.
I have chosen a few propagating successes this week, and realise I haven't included the delightful begonia which produced lots of small balls at the end of the summer last year, all of which have produced great plants. I'll include that next week. My first of six this week is a small flowered Streptocarpus I have had since I asked for 2 cuttings of it from a shop about 20 years ago, I take cuttings of it every year, and it rewards me with flowers like this:
The perfect description is surely floriferous? I must take more cuttings because the plants are much better as youngsters I think. This plant has been outside for several months, and is doing really well out there; it will have to come in soon.I walked past this tub with Sedum in the background and thought it worthy of being in the six this week
I grew this Tagetes from seed, and I think it will be a regular player fro me. It is trouble free as far as I can see, and doesn't sulk when the container or flower bed dries out. I also love the smell it gives off when touched.
Earlier in the year, I split my huge indoor grown Agave, and this is the result, these plants look great, and it might be that one has to take over from the parent plant which seems to have got a warty condition on its leaves.
There were many webs in the misty morning, this looked particularly fine, and i mangaed I think to capture the beauty
Another all time favourite of mine, Helianthus Lemon Queen, it gets larger every year and fills the bed with a wonderful yellow glow. So that's mine six for this week, I'm doing more dividing of plants than before this year, and the allotment winter digging beckons. It's covered in weeds which originated I think from the manure I bought.
I'm going to look now at what The Propagator has chosen for his six, make sure you go and have a look.
Another 'Lemon Queen', that makes three this week so far. I feel I'm being beaten into submission. I'd love one, but where would I put it?
ReplyDeleteThere's always room for another plant, if necessary split some other plants to make room for one. I think 'Lemon Queen' is one of the mainstays of the September garden, it's a lovely plant.