Looking at my back garden from the bedroom window gives a very different perspective from being within it. There are some plants which are getting away from those around them, and reaching for the sky. I thought I'd include those this week, and maybe try and capture combinations, pairs or more of plants growing tall together. I don't do as Monty Don said to do on Gardener's World last night, plant a bed properly, I tend to thin things, maybe take some out before putting new plants in.
Essentially I think everything goes with everything else, although I do get his point to a certain extent. I've just been out photographing pairs of plants which is where I start, then interesting plants, then things which look good. So off we go with a Rudbeckia themed choice:
I'm starting with a self seeded plant, almost 6 feet tall, it looks like Rubeckia Prairie Glow crossed with Goldsturm, I'm rather pleased with it and will try collecting seeds.My next one is another tall plant, lovely double purple flowers, can't remember what it is.
Above this is the main Rudbeckia patch, from where all the others came via compost or split plants, it looks good, I think with the wild aster.
This is a great favourite, towering over everything else half way down the garden, it is Ratibidia pinnata I think
I love Crocosmia, especially the later flowering ones like Emily Mackenzie, this was bought a couple of years ago at a plant sale, I love its exotic flowers which are a beautiful orange colour.
I'm finishing with Morning Glory, always a favourite, and looking great just now.
So there are my six, I'm off to see what the Propagator has chosen this week, do click on the link and see what's grabbed his attention this week. There are also links to lots of other blogs on there, so it's well worth a look.
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