Forde Abbey Gardens

Staying in Crewkerne, I found I was very close to Forde Abbey, and so made a return visit there after a break of two or three years since my last visit; there was more interest in the garden than I remember from before, it might have been the time of year. The gardens were fabulous, in fact quite breathtaking. I took lots of photos, always a sign of lots to see and appreciate.

As you can see this first view from the shop is quite spectacular
This was a very tall Persicaria which looked great, I bought a tall one in the fabulous plant nursery which I hope grows as tall as that one.
Spanish flag was looking well established when we visited on 19 August, mine isn't looking that good almost a month later, they must start it off early in a heated greenhouse
I liked these two views of the Abbey, which is 'Home to the stunning Mortlake tapestries, woven from the internationally famous Raphael cartoons, now housed in the V&A, the Abbey has a rich and varied history spanning 900 years. Walk in the actual footsteps of the monks, and explore the exquisite interior featured in the latest Hollywood adaptation of ‘Far From the Madding Crowd.’
it's a stunning place
'The Centenary Fountain celebrates 100 years of the Roper family at Forde Abbey. Powered by a pump from the strawberry farm on the estate, it reaches a height of 160 feet and is the highest powered fountain in England. Running in and out of the spray is a great sport for younger visitors to the garden and if you stand at the top end of the fountain, you’ll often see a rainbow.' The fountain reaches the massive height several times a day, including 3pm, when we arrived we could see it from the car park 
There's a lovely wetland area, this is a bridge to the area
where Lobelia are really doing well, the answer must be they require damp conditions to do this well.
A lovely pointed flowered hydrangea
I'm not sure what sort of tree this was, but it had wonderful blossom
A small Greek temple with a pond in the centre, at the top of the lake
looking towards the Abbey from the top of the lake, the border here is simply stunning
There are so many different plants in this border, doing so well, it was hard to decide which part of it to photograph, I htink this is a greta shot
A fabulous mop cap Hydrangea
and on the outside of the building there were masses of swifts clinging to it, you can just see them above the square window
I took this photo to show how beautifully the bed beside the Abbey has been planted
Here's a close up of a dahlia
And that's the end of the visit, I didn't photograph the plants I bought, but they were a massive Rudbeckia and the very tall Persicaria, both establishing nicely in the garden.
