Moreton village

 On a recent trip to Dorset, I visited Moreton famed for its engraved windows designed by Sir Laurence Whistler in St. Nicholas Church, it's interesting after visiting and taking a few photos, to follow up by finding out more about such places. The first impression on arrival to the village was very good, there's a free car park, so on arrival you can park there and enjoy walking round the village, we didn't see much of it because we quickly came across the church. The church was bombed in 1940, and the 13 windows were engraved between 1955-85, there are many photos on the church website. The village is also famous because T.E.Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia was stationed nearby and bought a cottage called Cloud's Hill from the Framptons. In 1935, he was riding his motorcycle around the Moreton lanes when he swerved to avoid two children playing in the road, the accident proved fatal, and one of the people treating him, Sir Hugh Cairns, designed a crash helmet to avoid such accidents in future.

T.E.Lawrence was buried in the Frampton's burial ground near the church following his funeral.
I tried photographing the engraved windows, but I think you'll see better photos on the church website.

 I was reminded of this painting of T.E.Lawrence by Augustus John painted in 1919, on the Wikipedia entry, what a fabulous portrait it is:

I'd already spotted the walled garden open to the public on the way to the church, and although it was by now 4.10pm, there might just be time to whizz round the garden which we did.

There are lovely borders and features in the garden, including massive cardoons, and there's a cafe, we were too late for that, and sadly for the plant sales area which had some interesting plants.
This delightful cottage was situated beside the plant sales area. I think Moreton deserves a second visit at some time when I'm in the area in the future, I'm sure I missed a lot.
