#SixOnSaturday Getting Dwarfed by Massive Plants

 Well not everything is massive of course, but some things are really shooting up like overactive adolescents. I'm referring to the foxgloves, some always seem to grow huge, with masses of side stems as well, I think of them as super foxgloves, only one in twenty are these supers, I wondered about including one of the 8 footers, or the giant yellow scabious, similarly tall, but I had foxgloves last week, and the scabious aren't in flower yet, although the buds are very attractive. I was tempted to include the salvias, just beginning to flower, but they will still be looking good for weeks, whereas today's pick are more of a flash in the pan, very showy though and well worth their few days of glory. If the temperatures were lower, flowers would last longer, and will there be rain next week?

Anyway to my pick:

I love these almost black irises, they are flowering well in their current position, although the original place where they were planted before being split, there are no flowers, so they seem to be dependent on situation to flower well
Above this Tradescantia has struggled with the dry periods and didn't seem to like the cold, so the plant is quite small, but the flowers gorgeous
This Astrantia is quite a dark red one, although it looks pink here. Anyway it reliably comes back each year, I must look into taking cuttings.
And wow, these iris sibirica may be short lived, but aren't they delightful? I divide them regularly and they thrive wherever I put them.
I love Jack go to bed before noon or Tropogon something, it's a weed, but i love the colour, flower shape and seed head.

And lastly one of the many geraniums in flower just now. This is a low growing one with piercingly blue flowers.

I'll go and see what The Propagator, author of this fab #SOS has chosen, and if anyone else has any of these six.


  1. Yes, I have a bit of a thing about black flowers. The irises are so velvety

  2. I am very fond of irises, and like your black one very much. Also the astrantia, which I don’t think I can grow here, is a very pretty flower.

  3. Yes I love both, this week, a yellow iris given by a friend has flowered. Lovely.


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