#SixOnSaturday: The Season of Cold Winds

 I wanted to call today's #SOS post, In, Out, In , Out Shake it all About because it's hard to decide whether to go and take photographs of things outside, or to remain inside the house or greenhouse because there's still that chilly wind here, blowing things about a lot. One minute the sun is out, and quite bright, then it's in again, a typical early spring day. 

I'm holding back on sowing seeds, apart from broad beans because it's cold in the greenhouse most of the time, and indoors windowsills are crowded with succulents, cuttings of houseplants, onion sets and potatoes chitting. However it's definitely time for an overhaul of indoor plants, there's no point in keeping the old parent plants in many cases because after going through a winter of neglect, they will take a while to recover. Onto my six:

Why have I chosen Clivia again? Well it's hard not to appreciate the beautiful flowers on this Clivia cutting. To recap, I divided a hugely cramped Clivia into about 6 plants back in late autumn, since then most of the cuttings have flowered, but at different times. I still have 2 plants in a very dry, neglected state in the garage, so will bring them in and see if they will flower when given some tlc. Anyway here's the latest in line to flower:

Next seven Streptocarpus cuttings, itching to be repotted and move on, must get them going very soon.
Below here are some cuttings taken from a spider plant and a dark leaved Tradescantia, what can go wrong with those? Useful in plant sales, I only need one of each.
I've included another Corydalis with darker flowers than Beth Evans featured last week. Photo taken when the sun was out so it's not looking as vibrantly red as it really is.
Come on you beauts!! I have quite a few groups of frog spawn from at least 6 pairs of frogs I would think; however I divided one batch of spawn and gave half to the grandchildren. The split spawn sank here, and when it reached its destination, and I was a bit worried it was dead. However this week it rose again, and on closer inspection, it's fine, the tadpoles are growing inside the jelly.
My final choice this week is a Scilla, such a lovely bright deep blue

So there we are, my six, to see the best #SixOnSaturday, head to The Propagator's blog where you can also find lots of information from other keen gardeners. It's worth a click to donate to Macmillan cancer charity he's raising money for them by running 100k, and also to see what he's been doing.


  1. That's great success with the clivias!

  2. Thank you, I seem to have the magic touch with them. Mostly they are quite neglected, but respond well to being looked after. I'm hoping to get flowers from the 2 plants in the garage when i bring them indoors and water them.


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