Last Saturday, the frogs were very visible in the pond, but not obviously getting together. When I checked the date frog spawn appeared last year, I found out it was the 22 February and this week it appeared on Tuesday, 23 February. Remarkably close to last year's date. Since the first frog spawn appeared on Tuesday, there has been lots of activity in the pond, with up to 10 frogs leaping around.
I think this photo above is probably my favourite, showing two frogs mating, surrounded by masses of frog spawn, presumably not theirs.
The frogs seemed to spend quite a lot of time competing to mate with a female, in this photo, there are 3 frogs trying to mate with one female.This frog looks like a female judging by the swollen abdomen, she was croaking a lot, but didn't seem to be attracting the male attention others were doing.
I've also been doing a bit of gardening this week in the community gardens where we can't really meet together to garden during lockdown, so I have been doing a bit of cutting back and weeding. I love the Euphorbia, seen above, these are all self seeded plants, the main parent plant died last year after several prolific years.
I love this Heuchera, looking very bright despite the prolonged cold spell a couple of weeks ago
From my own garden, I almost missed these two Narcissus cyclamineus, I keep them in a pot so I don't lose them in the garden, then find it hard to decide how to keep them over the summer. Maybe i should plant them in the garden? OK there are my frog obsessed six, please go and look at the Propagator's blog, there you'll find his #SixOnSaturday and lots of other garden observers' comments as well. This week he has some fabulous photos of crocuses among other things.
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