With several trees and woody things like rose bushes dying, and then a few weeks ago fungus appearing at the base of these trees, I have had to admit this is probably honey fungus, and instead of letting the dead trees rot down, they need digging out and burning. There was also the business of the arch which needed slats replacing, so the rose climbing over it had to be cut down as well, the rose on the left as you look at the arch seems OK, but the one on the right hand side has died. I went out today in fairly persistent rain to try and take photos of some of these things
Above this Calendula was very bright among the dead leaves. It was 12 degrees today and felt like a spring day
Above a bit of trellis which had a rose growing through it which died some time ago. I had left the remains there for some reason, but like clearing things out at home, it feels a lot better getting the dead stuff removed.
Above some new to me trellis given by a friend of mine, it was a bit too tall, so my husband very cleverly cut it down and replaced the edging. There was a self sown hazel tree in front, really miles too vigorous for that spot. I've got a Clematis tangutica and a trumpet vine cutting to go in there.
I have a couple of glorious fruits left on the Clerodendron, sadly not in focus, but decided against going out again.
Finally something which I'm feeling very positive about, my collection of leaves, more to come, but you can't have enough leaf litter. Have you seen what happens to Convolvulus in it? It grows into great bundles as though it can't grow through it. Time to visit The Propagator now and see what he's been up to this week.
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