Community Beds 6: The Marriott and Evelyn St embankment Trees

 On the embankment between Marlborough Lane and Road where the land rises to go over Evelyn St, Adrian Downing, the organsier, worked in conjunction with children and parents from the newly opened Croft School, Councillor Nadine Watts, and Martin Hambidge from SBC and many others to plant 60 trees and some shrubs to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. This was in 2012, so we must have planted them 8 years ago.

 The trees are looking rather magnificent just now:

Looking at the PipersArea website, I can only find this one photograph of the planting event, which took place on 16/17 November


Since that time, we have dug a bed at the end of the line of trees, and more recently a couple of 2metre square beds  to test what comes up if the top layer of vegetation is taken off. Here's what the bed looks like now:

It's mainly planted with perennials,  the Salvias are still performing well.
and this lone Leucanthemum was looking rather lovely.
We like having some flowers around the sign.
and this last photo is of the bank behind the bus stop where we are trying to crate a wild flower meadow. We have raked cut grass off to reduce fertility, scraped the ground with a rake, and sown some Emorsgate meadow flower seeds.
