The Friends of Swindon Museum and Art Gallery took over this bed from Swindon Borough Council thinking they could make more interesting displays than had currently been there. It is mostly tended by Rosemary, one of the Friends, although I make attempts to help some of the time.
It is a mixture of donated plants, the grass at the back of the bed by the museum sign came from Sue, the Penstemons and yellow Heuchera from Eric, and bought plants. The residents' association bought some plants when we first took over the bed. I particularly like it when the Rudbeckia and Penstemons are flowering, it's looking quite calm now:
There is a white Hellebore in full flower in the middle of the bed.And this is the other bed by the museum:
And here's the certificate presented to Rosemary for masterminding the beds:
People love sitting on the walls beside the beds, and they do get a lot of attention, so once again, well worth the effort.
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