#SixOnSaturday Mainly Celebrating Vegetables

 I say 'mainly' because I don't seem ever to be able to stick to one theme for my #SixOnSaturday, this week is mainly about vegetables I've grown to eat, but a couple of other things slipped in because they were fabulous as well. My growing space is divided between a back garden and allotment, decisions have to be made about how much of the garden to devote to growing things to eat, and how much it should be purely ornamental, of course vegetables can be interspersed between other things.This year I had a greenhouse for the first time, erected at the start of lockdown, it focused my thoughts on growing more vegetables in the back garden, so my first six is a collection of edibles from the back garden, made when trying to tidy up a bit and cope with runner beans collapsing in the wind because their supports are too weedy. I love being able to go out and get food for a meal from the garden.

Starting from the left courgette, runner beans, dwarf beans, 'Safari', damson, 'Merryweather' which look more like plums, the allotment damsons are small wild ones, not ripe yet. And carrots which have done really well this year, they are delicious stir fried.
Growing things in a greenhouse is completely new to me. Tomatoes seem to be a breeze, although supports are a problem for me, the plants are trying to fall over now, the taste is superb. I can't believe how many cucumbers are produced form two plants!! Here's an example below, I keep trying to cut them to encourage more to grow. The melons had to be pulled up because they got a black spot on the undersides of the leaves. I am tolerating the aubergine 'Jackpot' although it has lots of flowers, very few are translating into aubergines and the two plants are very floppy.

This week I realised the sweetcorn were ready to eat, they are deliciously tender and sweet and HUGE, I took a photo of one of them with a bread knife to show the size.

My next two are not edible, firstly I noticed the candles in the candle holder had melted in the heat giving the structure rather a crazy aspect.

And last but by no means least, Rudbeckia goldsturm which grows like a weed in my garden as you can see.

That's my six, and here's the collage:

Let's see what The Propagator, the brains behind #SOS, has made his six this week. Very much agreed with his blog this week, and this is the genius of the whole Six On Saturday. If you love gardening, you love buying plants, I have looked up Clare Austin Perennials, they look tempting, and agree Parkers are a great place to buy bulbs and almost anything. I have never bought bulbs in that quantity. Rare Plants Fairs are back this September, you have to buy a ticket in advance, but they are well worth visiting for the range of nurseries there. Tithonia is wonderful, but totally agree with your comments. I sowed saved seed this spring and nothing germinated.


  1. I have sweetcorn envy - I've never grown it as it is generally regarded as a challenge here in the southeast of Ireland but I would love to manage to do so. It is a delicious vegetable. Runner and French beans are cropping best here at the moment.

  2. What a fabulous selection of vegetables. You must be self sufficient in veg at the moment. The melted candles brought a smile to my face.


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