Succulent Displays

Some of the shallow dishes I use for succulent displays had become a bit overgrown, and since not much else has been going on during lockdown, apart from gardening, I thought I'd take a few before and after photos of the planters.  I was inspired by this planter, seen below, in the spare room which had been mostly left since last November, how could I improve it? I took everything out, split the Agave and then potted it up.
The photo above shows had been mostly taken over by a gorgeous Agave, and the other plant at the rear of the pot. It looks a bit tidier now in the photo below, and will soon 'fill out'. The Agave was given to me by Carole Bent several years ago, and has been a joy to own. It is so prolific, and has a fantastic 'profile'. I have one in a pot to give back to Carole, delivery soon!!

 This planter above has too much of the large plant, and a Begonia waiting to emerge when it receives water.
 I think this plant above may be another Echeveria, first given to me as a cutting during an open studios visit in Portishead several years ago. I've taken off the sun damaged leaves and generally hacked it about, and the result can be seen below:
This planter with a Burkheya purpurea in the middle, overwintered outside and has lots more flowers coming, including from the sempervivums:
 I've just taken another photo where there are more flowers developing:
This is a finished pot, without a before photo, it includes a gorgeous Aeonium given to me by Nicky Alberry. It looks lovely in here I think.
I'm quite pleased with this display below, using up more of the succulents
 and some things have thrived better in the bricks with holes in than others.
 Finally here's another pot which needs some attention:
It's got some pink frills in there and some Echinops seedlings, maybe I'll have a go at that this afternoon. There's always more gardening to do, but thankfully not watering today!
