A New Community Garden for 2020?

Those of you who know Swindon Road in Old Town, will know there's a gap between two houses, rumoured to have been bombed in the second world war, but now thought to have been burned down, this space between two houses has been landscaped and made into a garden. It has deteriorated over the years, and a wall on the right hand side has begun to fall over, but South Swindon Parish Council team of gardeners have cut back much of the ivy, cleared the rubbish and are now hoping to create some plantable beds. It won't be long before we show the judges round our South Swindon Blooming route, for our Bloom entry, and we're hoping this space can be transformed.
A group of local Councillors are hoping to encourage local residents to help planting and maintaining the garden going forward. We hope to be out on Sunday 16th of February gauging interest.
Meanwhile here are a few photos of the garden cleared but not planted:
 I've taken to calling the garden The Steps Garden, for obvious reasons. Hopefully the steps will recede with some plants in the beds on either side.
 There's a lot to do still.
 They certainly need a bit of care and planting

 Looking down is also quite a good view
and someone suggested planting the back alley, positive thinking. It could look wonderful.
Meanwhile Old Town Residents Association gardeners have been out twice this year, at Mr Cod
and at the Marriott roundabout bed where they will be this Sunday from 10am.
Schedule of next gardening sessions:
Sunday 26 January 10am Bed near the Marriott
Tuesday 30 January 2pm Corner of Newport St and Devizes Road.
Tuesday 5 February 10am Mr Cod
Thursday 13 February 2pm Marriott bed
Saturday 22 February 10am Station Approach
Tuesday 25 February 10am Corner of Newport St and Devizes Road. All welcome, please bring gloves and a trowel if possible.
