Salvia involucrata at the Walled Gardens of Cannington

The Salvia involucrata in my garden is about 3 years old and growing really well, it's one of my favourites and so splendidly exotic that I wonder it's not grown and seen more widely. However on a recent visit to The Walled Gardens of Cannington, I saw them used to great effect in borders:
 And here they are from the path:
They were also for sale in the shop which gave me the idea to take cuttings from mine before the frosts. The gardens were suffering from a lack of rain when I visited, now we've had enough rain for the moment, and they are probably looking less stressed. I took photos of things looking really good, including this  beautiful Aster Alma Potschke
 and here's one of the glorious fountains
 The border outside the gardens looked really lovely
with a fantastic climber Ipomoea lobata or Spanish flag:
Lovely tea room as well.
