#SixOnSaturday: Asters or Salvias?

 It's that time of year when some plants are still flowering their socks off. On this morning's look at what might be a candidate for #SOS, the outstanding flowers were on asters and salvias, so thought I'd feature them today, along with a couple of other stand out favourites in the garden.

I'm starting with Aster novae angeliae Barr's Blue, a stunning, tall Aster bought last year at the last plant fair of 2021 at Evenley Wood. It stood out then, and it stands out now as you can see. Unaffected, apparently by drought, it's looking really good.
Next a couple of Salvias which have been flowering, along with lots of others, all summer. They are perfect for sunny, dry conditions. Above is Salvia microphylla 'Cerro Potosi' still putting on a great show, and below Salvia x jamensis Nachtvlinder both of which love conditions in my garden.
Next is another Aster, smaller, free flowering, not sure which one it is, but very reliable.
Talking about reliable, the Verbena bonariensis is triumphing again this year in the garden, I used to nurture it, now it pops up everywhere
And last but not least, the Liquidamber tree is looking fab.
So there are my six beauties from the back garden. Next week, I will highlight the Fuchsias in the front garden which are peaking just now.
OK time to head off to look at Jon's blog:Six on Saturday – Transition – The Propagator (wordpress.com) which is in transition. He's been fab, but handed on the baton.


  1. I love your range of aster and salvia colours, I need to expand mine to have more colours next year.

    1. I've found with Salvias that it's worth trying a few varieties and seeing which thrive in your garden. I also have Royal Bumble which is bright red and flowers from March until November, and Blue note which isn't as vigorous, also Burgundy which is deep pink.


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