Swindon Open Studios 2022

 I'm making sure that everyone knows Swindon Open Studios is taking place over the next two weekends. For the full list of artists, please check the website, brochures are also available all over the town.

Some studios are open both weekends, the 17 and 18 of September and 24 and 25 of September, others open one of the weekends, so it's best to check. 

I am particularly promoting Tim Carroll's open studio which is open the second weekend from 11am to 5pm, there will be paintings, prints, ceramics, postcards and books with refreshments and plant sales. 

Because it's great to visit more than one studio, I'm also including a map of venues in Old Town with a handy key showing when they are open. Hope to see lots of you here the second weekend.
Please support the local art's scene by visiting open studios.
