#SixOnSaturday from a scorched garden

 A bit of a late six today, having made a slow start to the day, I pottered around a bit, cleaned parts of the house and removed the mildewed petunias from the pots by the front door, replacing them largely with cuttings of pelargoniums a, hopefully they'll look good in time. Although we've not had rain for a long time, some things on the allotment are doing really well, I ate the first sweetcorn this evening, it was delicious and a large cob. After being watered in, they haven't had any more watering, courgettes are wonderful, they have had watering, Swiss chard is also growing fast this weather but does seem to need watering. I've given up with beans, French and runners, if they form, they leave out the adolescent phase when they're good to eat and go straight into old age when they're tough. I have planted lots of plum trees over the years, they are now producing lots of fruit, although lots of them are maggoty, so need checking before eating.

But onto my six this week, I have chosen a Cardoon at Mr Cod where the bees are loving the flowers:

Next Campsis flowering wonderfully having been cut down by my husband to a mere stump because it was growing through the woodshed, fortunately it grows from wood
Self seeded Morning Glory quite unfazed by the heat and dryness
My friend Sue gave me this Phlox last year, I must have planted it in a border and not thought anything more about it until I saw it recently, not been watered at all.
These Tagetes love the sun, and grow fast in the heat, but I think they do need quite a bit of watering when in a pot or planter.
And lastly, a photo of the Damsons, variety Merryweather, they are quite big and taste a bit different from plums.
Well there are my six, there's no rain in the forecast, only more heatwaves, so enjoy the weather everyone, it does make one apprehensive about where we'll get our water from. I'll go and see what everyone else, including Jon has been up to, please click on here and consider joining, there's a great community feel about #SixonSaturday


  1. My sweetcorn has performed well too and I pulled up my carrots last evening. Although not many had germinated, they were surprisingly larger in size than last year. Your Damsons look very tempting.

    1. I was really surprised by how succulent my sweetcorn is this year. The damsons are also huge and very tasty. Some things do thrive in drought, but lots of things are struggling


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