#SixOnSaturday: plant sale panic

 This week is a bit different because I'm holding a plant sale on Saturday afternoon, so I'm going to make the post about that. I have spent ages this week in particular watering the plants, hopeful that they will look their best by Saturday despite the extreme heat and lack of rain. Everything in the garden has breathed a sigh of relief because we've had a decent amount of rain today. I feel a bit unprepared for tomorrow, with Clivia plants upstairs that need some outside leaves removing, and other house plants that might not look too good if they are put outside tonight. I also think I've got too many plants, hopefully not. I'm raising money for TWIGS, a local therapeutic garden and our local community gardens, OTRA Gardens.

I'll start with the poster for the plant sale in case you're in the vicinity. I have got lots of houseplants, spiders, tradescantia:

and the lovely streptocarpus I started from a cutting given to me by a jeweler years ago.

I do enjoy the succulents, although maybe I've taken too many cuttings, the agave doesn't look good in the photo, but it's gone dark outside now, so it'll have to stay

I do like the Escheveria 'Pink Frills' bought from a Midlands nursery several years ago, it can just be spotted in the top of the photo.
Above and below general photos of plants for sale, the Stipa tenuissima have done wonderfully this year, I didn't knowingly sow the seeds, they must have been on my clothes when I came back from gardening. They are such fabulous plants, and looking fabulous now they have started to flower. I asked my daughter if she'd like one, she said 'Are you joking?' so not everyone's choice!
OK so that;s my six this week, ready to go when The Propagator has published his post tomorrow morning. Well he's in the greenhouse this week, very interesting to see what he's talking about. Do click on the link and have a look, and why not join in with the six malarky? I'm hooked on it.


  1. Well, it's a pretty grass, but if it's anything like grasses I've had it starts coming up everywhere! What a great looking sale!

  2. Thank you Lisa, we raised £720 which I think is pretty good. The 10 pots of grasses in pots all came from self seeders. It is lovely though.

  3. Congratulations on your plant sale. I've just seen your post about how much money you raised for your charities.

    1. Thank you, I was really pleased with the amount we raised. TWIGS is a very well loved charity, and people do enjoy the community gardens in the area.

  4. Fantastic effort! I would have loved to come, just the problem of a plane ride and quarantine ;)

  5. Thank you. A plane ride and a quarantine is taking it a bit far!!


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