Plant Sale Update

 We had a very successful plant sale on Saturday afternoon, raising £730 for TWIGS and OTRA Gardens, thank to all who came, and special thanks to Judith and Jane who ran about helping sell plants, and also to those kind people who donated plants for the plant sale. There are quite a lot of plants remaining, I'll offer them to anyone who shows any interest in buying them, and then have they will be available for sale at Old Town Open Gardens on 4 July when in addition to my garden, there will be 11 other gardens opening.

From the moment we started putting out plants on tables, people came along to buy them, so I didn't manage to take pictures of the masses of plants that were for sale, but Chris came along and kindly took some for me, so I'll add them here:

When we counted up cash and card machine sales, there was £720 and then a further £10 was added when someone who couldn't come to the sale came round yesterday afternoon, which was brilliant. He was keen to support TWIGS having had a very good experience of them working with schoolchildren when he was a teacher.

I'm hoping we can add to the grand total by selling a few more plants. There's also a large bamboo plant suitable for a large pot..
