#SixOnSaturday: Houseplant Special

 This week, I decided to look indoors for inspiration, and considering the state of indoor plants at this time of year, is well worth doing because mine are getting unruly, and it's time to take them in hand. With a plant sale 4 weeks today, cuttings and divisions undertaken this weekend should be establishing nicely by then, so I'd better get my skates on. I've already divided the Agave and got 11 plantlets from it, so let's look at what else could do with some attention.

I'm starting with a succulent which forms part of a small indoor garden by the sink, the Haworthia and cactus are very well behaved and looking very sweet, but the Echeveria is virtually winding itself round the taps. Received wisdom says succulents are dormant in winter, maybe it's had a spring growth spurt:

Here's my smaller Clivia which I thought was a yellow flowered variety when I bought it in bud years ago, it's all but jumping out of the pot, so more Clivia plants for the plant sale.
Another badly behaved succulent, an Aeonium this time looking very strange in another plant arrangement. I bought that plant from a succulent and cactus show being held at RHS Wisley, it's a great plant, but needs regular attention.
This is a familiar scene, I'm sure, these spider plant cuttings and Tradescantia ones were taken in the autumn and have now become a tangled mass on a large plate. I will need to make more cuttings from the Tradescantia and give the spider plants some light.
These Streptocarpus cuttings again taken in the autumn are doing well, need weeding and potting on, so a success story.
Finally this plant whose name I no longer know having lost the label, I do like the leaf patterning, and again it needs splitting.

There are my six, I neatly sidestepped the state of the fresh leaves in the garden after a week of storms and torrential rain and hailstorms. I did visit the wonderful exhibition 'Biodiversity' by Kurt Jackson at the Victoria Art Gallery. this week, I'd thoroughly recommend it, it was great to be able to get into a gallery after 14 months.

Now I must send you to look at the author of #SixOnSaturday, The Propagator, whose blog posts are always the best, and there are links to other fabulous blog posts from other gardeners.
