#SixOnSaturday Still Lots of Gems in the Garden

 The past week has brought wind, rain and grey skies, but this morning, as if on cue for #SOS when I looked out of the bedroom window, it was sunny! I went out thinking the garden is past its peak, although the Rudbeckias are shrieking loudly, and several things I deadheaded are having a good second flowering, was there anything really good for this morning's #SOS? It turns out there were as usual far too many things to mention. So let's start with the shortlist:

I'm going to start with the plant sale which I'm holding next Saturday, although you're the first to know, I have publicised it yet, but I have too many plants, I can't stop propagating like someone else we know! So let's say it, there will be a sale at the front of the house next Saturday 12 September from 10am at SN3 1RX number 52. Donations will be given to OTRA Gardens and TWIGS.
This Crocosmia aurea 'Golden Ballerina' was bought from Hardy's on 6.9.19, almost a year ago!! I can't really show you how beautiful the flowers are because they were a bit floppy in the morning dew.
Above this is Hylotelephium, formerly Sedum, it has dark red flowers and leaves and is looking great just now.
Aubergine 'Jack Pot' a patio variety, grown for the first time in the greenhouse. It has had masses of flowers, but taken ages to grow any fruit. Someone mentioned on GW last night that aubergines need lots of room, maybe i crammed it in too much with another one.
This small shrub, Clerodendron came from a Rare Plant Fair at Lady Farm, with a saxifrage in the pot. It was attracting small bees this morning, but I didn't manage to get a bee in the photo

Lastly some of the onions with long stems, were tied up yesterday, I was spurred on by a Twitter post where someone showed us their string of onions. I thought I must tidy mine up, and clear of the drifts of onion skins and soil from the garage floor.

That was my six of the best, I wonder what other people have done this week, particularly The Propagator whose idea this was. He's been on holiday, so maybe garden visits? Lots of fantastic photos this week of a garden he visited, have a look.

Tomorrow brings the first Rare Plant Fair, looking forward to that. You need tickets, it's at Adwell House.
