#SixOnSaturday, Standing Staring and Smiling

This week's heatwave has made it hard to make progress with lots of jobs, making prioritising them essential. Number one job this week doesn't appear in my six, it was planting out a seed row of leeks on the allotment, I got it done on Wednesday, then I noticed that the bottom end of the garden was looking more and more neglected, so I decided to tidy up one of the borders and make a decision about two of the paths, one had a real tidying up, making the walk to the arbour look very attractive. This view was also helped by an influx of stones from sieved mixed aggregate, I'm using the small sandy gravel for another brick path. I have admired the view to the arbour every time I've walked down the garden, which led me to this week's theme which about making the garden a bit of a haven, and then looking at it, and enjoying the effect.
So here it is:
My next one is the view from the back door of a woodstore, flanked by an Acer on the right hand side. I really like that as well, it has just been filled up with wood from another store by my husband, Tim. I think he's done a good job of it.
 These are some cos lettuce thinnings I got after watering the lettuce seedlings on Thursday. When I looked at them yesterday, despite not being watered, they had grown masses of roots. Then I watched Monty Don last night on Gardeners' World transplanting lettuce and saying how quickly they would grow, and i thought, I'll pot them up. Haven't done so yet, but will after this.
 I have a 'thing' about succulents in clay pots. This one came from Whichford Pottery, and is a lovely shape, the succulents were mostly given to me, and they multiply like mad.
 I've included this sunflower because it's one of two that somehow escaped a seed tray and planted themselves in the soil in the greenhouse and I left them there. One of them is now straining against the roof of the greenhouse and flowering.
 I remember a friend once commenting that everything in my garden was very small, and I should try growing taller things
 This seems to have happened in one large bed in particular where everything is really tall, from Sanguisorba, to white daisy flowered plant, evening primrose and dahlia. I love its overpowering quality
So that's my six this week:
I wonder what other people have chosen? I'm a big fan of admiring the garden, as opposed to doing much, especially in this heat. I'm off to see what The Propagator has chosen. Great blog as ever, so inspirational. I'm not sure I can be bothered with dahlias, but love purple loosestrife, no garden should be without it, ditto Rudbeckia goldsturm which is very vigorous in my garden. I love Begonia Glowing Embers, mine is a bit slow this year.


  1. love the sanguisorba, i have some growing VERY SLOWLY in my garden, grown from seed last year. not sure if it will amount to anything. next year perhaps.


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