#SixOnSaturday hot hot hot colours

This morning's walk round the garden looking at what grabbed my attention, it was the Crocosmia, they are zinging away in the garden at the moment, and are the stars of the show. They were also featured on Gardeners' World Last night where we saw what they looked like in their native South Africa. Funnily enough though, today has been the first day for ages where we've had downpours of rain, it was muggy this morning, but since then the weather hasn't been hot hot hot!! It's wonderful not to worry about plants wilting in the garden because it's so dry.
 I was only able to show photos of four Crocosmia, at least three others including Emily Mackenzie aren't in flower yet. Here they are starting with the crocosmia which photographed best this morning. Colours on the others aren't necessarily all that accurate
I prefer that to the others, it seems perfectly gorgeous. I'm not sure what it's called
Next up is the 'normal' one which grows everywhere.
Below is the wonderfully named 'Hellfire', it's a brighter, darker red than 'Lucifer', and has smaller leaves and is less bold
 Here's 'Lucifer' growing in a huge clump
 Having run out of crocosmia, I was impressed by this giant sunflower
 and also by the colour of this courgette flower
So that's my six, as ever the post seems to come later in the day, although I did get my #SixOnSaturday out quite early. I'll enjoy looking at what The Propagator has got in his blog today, and find what else people are talking about. It must be crocosmia surely?
No not seen any mention of crocs, The Propagator has another lovely glad, some fab colours of Osteospermum and a rose to grace the front of the house.
Happy gardening everyone, if you've all had rain, it's time to be creative in the garden and spend less time watering pots.


  1. 'Hellfire' is already on my wanted list. I included a crocosmia two weeks ago and have another that hasn't opened yet. I can't say I'm their biggest fan, I've had too many clumps which never seem to flower, but I seem to have a couple of good ones now.

  2. i do have some crocs, but they are somewhat swamped by other stuff. if i attach my phone to a bamboo cane and reach in i might get a photo!

  3. Emily Mackenzie is my favourite Crocosmia. Mine aren’t anywhere near flowering. I have an unnamed, soft orange coloured one in the front garden flowering at the moment. Lovely Six


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