Additions to the Chapel Gallery at the Beehive

Having recently refreshed the artwork in the top bar of the Beehive, and renamed it The Chapel Gallery, written about in this post I was really pleased that two friends, Deborah Battaglia and Dona Bradley both agreed to meet me in the Beehive and put up some of their work. I was also pleased to be able to let them know that Vicky Silver had sold her painting.
I took a few photos of the very pleasant afternoon spent in the Beehive after the hanging had taken place, below here's Deborah chatting with Tim Carroll.
And below here's a photo of Deborah with her work
I'll also include a few better photos of Deborah's linocuts so you can see them more clearly
 above all three together, then singly:
 bluebell woods above, hollyhocks below
 and the gorgeous sunflowers below, I have an acid green linocut of that image
There's also a larger linocut entitled 'Autumn Leaves'
It's challenging taking photos in the Beehive, better to go and look at them in real life!
Onto Dona Bradley, seen here below with two of her prints, the top one is of the diving board at Coate Water, and the other one shows the Swindon prints available. They make a lovely summary of Swindon landmarks
 Dona delivered a third print, of a canal bridge,seen here above the diving board
I'm really very pleased with the overall effect of the gallery now.
You can have a look if visiting the Beehive this Friday 22 March from 7pm onwards for Cheryl Holland Willis's open evening in the bottom bar, and here's Cheryl holding one of her pieces:
