Neptune's Grotto and La Pelosa beach

Grotto di Nettuno or Neptune's Grotto tucked below Capo Caccia is reached by walking down 654 steps along the side of the promontory. We arrived by road, parked the car, and looked across the bay at the dramatic coastline, and then headed for the steps.
On the way down, the rapid swirling of the blue water was very impressive

 and suddenly you're at sea level and waiting to enter the caves by crossing rocks traversed by water every few minutes. Tours occur every hour, visitors have to wait to cross the rocks see the grotto. We waited for 20 minutes, and then missed going on the tour because there was more to see that day! Below you can see part of the entrance to the grotto; the stalactites and stalagmites were fabulous.
On the way back up, I tried to photograph some of the steps, but they're not easy because they're camouflaged and blend in with the rock face, maybe you can see them in the photo below?
After a coffee and break in the nearby cafe at the top of the steps, we traveled north to the second of the Rough Guide's 17 things not to miss, La Pelosa, as they say 'The beaches and rocky backdrop of this beauty spot are postcard perfect, with aquamarine water and mesmerising views'.
Do my photos do La Pelosa justice?
 The one above shows Torre Falcone, a Spanish watchtower on the small island, with the island of Piana in the distance, and below taken sitting on the beach which was quite crowded when we arrived. Although lots of people went in the sea, I wasn't ready to take the plunge. 
 After the beach, it was time to go back to Alghero to clean up and find a bar from which to view the sunset.
