Day 2 NGW 2023 Acers

 Acers are particularly beautiful at this time of year as the leaves delicately unfold. Several of mine were slow to open this year, but they all seem to have survived the cold winter. I haven't bought named varieties, but seem to have quite a range of growth habits, leaf types and colours. I have only photographed three different plants, maybe I should have photographed all of them. This post is a celebration of Acers, particularly in spring. 

From this angle, it looks as though this Acer is very underpotted
The one above has been planted in the ground, with clouds of forget me nots to the right of it. However much I say they are a pest, I do love forget me nots.
This one is also in a pot and looks gorgeous. I think I prefer the very thin leaved Acers. They do seem to be tough, and are available to buy in many places at the moment.
