Cambria Bridge Bed Planting

 Last weekend some of the Growing South Swindon Community group met at the Cambria Bridge bed to plant a few more perennials bought by South Swindon Parish Council who maintain the overall area. We did our first major planting at the bed in May last year, there are some photos here. We knew we would need to add a few more plants to make more of an impact, this year. We hope that by planting in February when the plants are in a dormant state that they will establish well before the summer heat and drought conditions; however it hasn't rained since they were planted and the soil is getting increasingly dry.

Here are photos of the planting:

We were very grateful that Becky, Richard and Rafe turned up to help Jess and I with the planting
It's quite a low maintenance bed, and won't need much weeding, or attention really.
As you can see, it's quite weed free, and below still looks quite restrained because the plants aren't doing very much in February
Here are the plants in the car:
We have bought plants which performed well last year, including these:
Agastache Blue Fortune
Astrantia Star of Love
Echinops Blue Globe
Euphorbia robbiae
Geranium Rozanne
Geum Totally Tangerine
Heuchera Rain of Fire
Kniphofia Bees Lemon
Leucanthemum Banana Cream
Miscanthus sinesis malepartus
Pennisetum Hamelyn
Scabious butterfly blue
