Cambria Bridge Community Garden

 The Cambria Bridge area has been recently refurbished by South Swindon Parish Council; this has included an upgrading of the play area, and the creation of beds using sleepers and infilling with soil. The recently formed Growing South Swindon Community group have been working with the parish to work out how we could enhance this area. We have already worked on a couple of the smaller beds, one opposite the goal post, and the other beside the play area have been weeded and sown with wild flower seeds and planted with wild flower plug plants.

The raised bed visible from the road has been given a double depth of sleepers and soil; we have been dividing and taking cuttings for several months ready to plant this large bed with perennials. Last Thursday afternoon, we gathered together as many volunteers together as we could and began the task of digging over, watering and planting up the area. It was a great afternoon, we are very grateful to those who gave up their time to help, including those who walked by and then got stuck in.

It's difficult to get photos when you're involved in the planting, but here's one that gives an idea of the size of the bed and shows some of the people involved.

This was taken near the start when we were trying to loosen up the soil ready for planting
And this one shows us almost finished, and the one below from the bridge
I've also got a photo of the plants in my boot, before leaving:

Unless we get some proper rain soon, they will need lots of watering, a real drawback to planting in the spring as opposed to the autumn, but we didn't want to leave the bed empty all summer.
There is still lots to do at this site, we're next meeting down there on Saturday 7th of May at 10am, and at least every fortnight after that.
7/21 May
11/25 June
9/23 July
13/27 August
If you are interested in joining us, please just come along, or send a message.
Meanwhile, I haven't been back there to see what's going on, or to water, let's hope all is fine there.
This is also part of South Swindon in Bloom, working towards improving the area of South Swindon.
