Visit to BSA Exhibition at The Victoria Art Gallery

Yesterday I went to have a look at the Bath Society of Artists 2021 exhibition currently being held at the Victoria Art Gallery until 20 November, it was very exciting for me because my husband Tim Carroll's artwork was featured on the posters and even on the big flags outside, I think I squealed when I saw them. Here's a photo of one below:

And here's Tim's other entry into the exhibition, entitled 'Corinth'
The exhibition has masses of excellent works, it was hard to pick out a few, but here they are:
Above the top one is 'Dresser' by Josie Sylvester and the one below is called 'Bunch of Birds' by Rob Grieve, it's a linocut with gouache
Above is a painting by Anna Pinkster entitled 'Twelve Bathers' also on the front page of her website.
Coincidentally the lower of the two paintings above is also by Anna Pinkster, entitled 'Stourhead in Spring' it's a departure from Anna's usual style. The one above is called 'A Flower Shop' by Jean Rose.
This picture above is a silkscreen monotype by Gail Mason entitled 'Thicket' she was awarded the St Cuthbert's Mill Work on Paper prize
I took some general views of the exhibition to give an idea of how beautifully presented it looks
Almost the same view as before but with more of the wall on the left on view
Just look how beautifully those pictures have been hung
This is exquisite, entitled 'Butterfly Plant' by Victoria Garland, it's an etching with aquatint
I found Tim Carroll's Orchard at one end of the gallery

This view of Farmland near Marlborough  by Amanda Ralfe is a mixed media piece.

Last piece, you need to go and see the exhibition if you haven't done so already, it's such a good show. This above is by Rebecca Lisle called 'Reflection' works for me, I could sit and look at it for ages.
As I was leaving, I took this last photo, and thought congratulations to you all, great show.

