A Goldcrest at the Mr Cod bed

I was looking at the OTRA bed on Victoria Hill beside Mr Cod and thought the Cephalaria gigantea was looking a bit messy. We have trimmed quite a few messy, dead looking plants back already, but we have been conscious that we need to leave as much dead plant material to provide habitats for organisms to overwinter in. I wondered if it might be time to do a bit of tidying up there when I noticed some movement, and saw there was a goldcrest eating aphids on the Cephalaria.
I managed to get my phone out of my bag without disturbing the goldcrest and took a few photos. It's a small bird and quite well camouflaged, hopefully you can see it on the left of the main stem, just over half way up.
Here are a few more photos, although I think the first one is best

 In this final photo, the bird is behind the main stem
