Pickards Field allotment broadcast

Last Wednesday BBC Wiltshire radio broadcast its' afternoon show live from the Pickards Field allotment site, I went along to have a look and sample some cake and homemade spring rolls and chilli sauce.  Here's the link to the broadcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07lqz60
James Thomas talked to people about what having an allotment meant to a large group of people who had turned out to share their positive feelings about allotment gardening.
 Meanwhile I took advantage of Brian's offer of a guided tour of some of the plots. Many people will know Brian and his famed dahlias. They are tremendous, and overwintered onsite, covered by manure and straw to protect them from any frost.
 There was also a rather impressive squash, what a glorious colour.
 This part bicolour dahlia was beautiful
 I was very impressed by the amount of winter digging already completed.
 On site there's a disabled toilet paid for by a kind donation
 There's a comfortable seating area, Jim seen here demonstrating it!
 Another view of a table and chairs
 Just look at these Sedums
 there are quite a few containers on the site, used for the shop, and a kitchen, for storing compost for sale.
Pickards Field allotments are the home of Swindon Allotment and Leisure Gardens Association, for £5 you can join SALGA and get many advantages including half price Kings seeds, the shop, talks, trips and advice.
