Walking to Avebury in the Sunshine

The last walking to Avebury photos I posted in a previous entry were a bit dull, here are some taken on 16 December in brilliant sunshine.
I thought I'd do a bit of research into the beech clumps found along the Ridgeway on the stretch between Swindon and Avebury since my best photo is of the first clump I pass:
 I can see two clumps from my bedroom window, this one and the next one along. They were apparently planted by the Victorians to provide shelter, and in some cases were planted around ancient barrows, not ideal because the roots can interfere with them.
 General shots of the Ridgeway path
and the beeches in the distance seen below
 This last photo I think works quite well, but you have to look carefully, it shows 3 horse riders along the brow of a hill.
